I love Japanese Cream-filled Korokke. Yes, I've been craving it for quite some time now. And I finally made it today. [
For those who have no idea about this ke-ke-thingy I was talking about, it's a Japanese version of a French dish - croquette...Wikipedia has a pretty good explanation here]

I was searching the web for a good recipe. They seem to have about two: one for the mashed potato and beef Korokke, and another one is this creamy Korokke. Of course, I was originally aiming for the creamy one. Only that they didn't state how much each ingredient ought to be put in. But I decided to give it a try anyway.
So, the ingredients are:
- Milk, lots of milk
- Butter
- Corn (in a can)
- (Corn) Flour
- Egg(s)
- Bread Crumb
First off...you need to cook up the cream filling. Melt butter (I tossed 3 thumb-size pieces into the pan), then add milk (I put in about half a litre). Slowly heat it, and I really mean "slowly" jing jing. It took so much time...to heat it until the milk become thickened, really thickened and creamy. Then, add corn as much as you like. With low heat and long time, the "mix" become very very thick. If so, you are done for the first part. Put the "mix" into a shallow bowl or something. Leave it in the fridge for several hours.

Then...the rest is straight forward. Take the "mix" out from the fridge and make several flat, oval-shaped paddy. Be careful now. That paddy is actually liquid...very soft. Cover each paddy with corn flour, dip it in beaten egg, then cover it with bread crumb, and deep fry it until the color become light-brown.

Voila! Serve with Tonkatsu sauce and/or mayonnaise... Yumm!!!
Ah...h, the Korokke has made my day V(^o^)V

An old, broken watch
is kept in the box.
It's hands show the time...
ten minutes past one o'clock.
The dial was cracked
and full of dust.
O I haven't seen it
since the box was shut.
Looking through the dusty dial,
a tiny hand is trying to tick.
Like a boy with a broken leg,
keep trying to kick.
O my poor watch...
what's wrong with you.
Your hands are tired,
...what can I do?
[02.16.2006 / 2:39AM / GMT+07]
After a couple of depressing blogs, I decide to put a stop to it. Thank you, my friends, for all the you have given to me.
Now...(and this is not an advertisement)... Flickr is a photo-hosting site I've been using. First off...I'm not sure whether it's pronounced "Flic-ker" or "Flick-R" ...the truth is probably somewhere on the web, but I'm just too lazy to find out.
Anyway, I started using Flickr for free. And like any other free account anywhere online, there's some limitations. Limitations that I could live with...until I had a big bunch of photos from my Japan trip. I went Pro...which means I paid for extra services from Flickr. Now I can upload a lot more (and larger size) photos each month, have more "sets" created, and some other features I don't really care about :P
Oh well, you might already figure out by now that today's blog is really nothing :D
(O...I tried to put a Flickr Badge on this blog, but it was impossible)
my Flickr Page (^0^)
Pointlessly Enduring
It's been a while that I haven't been written anything here. That's simply because my life has no movement at all. Sitting at home, working on a little of this and a bit of that...nothing substantial. Nothing that I really enjoy. I guess this part will be like a blank page of my life. Waiting...drifting...sitting in a cafe and giving out a blank look on my face...or just pretend to read something. Yes, today's blog will be just pointless writing. So you can skip it if you don't have time.
Future is the driving force of Present, and Past is its friction. Hopes and dreams give strength to people to do what they do, to endure what they have to endure, and to fight for what they want. Experiences and mistakes sometimes make people think twice before they act, sometimes with hesitation. But we can go on living everyday despite all these in existence...also in balance.
I somehow got stuck somewhere along the way. And, knowing that, I'm trying to force myself forward and refuse to be lagged behind. But it still doesn't work very well. I often find myself alone, pointlessly punching keyboards, looking for something I know nothing about...and never found it.
Sometimes I'm confused whether one should wait for meaningful things to come along or one should search for them. I have been believing in the prior, but my patience (which is a good-size patience if you know me) has running thinner and thinner everyday.
And...I don't really know how to end this blog :P