A Homeless Blog

Friday, March 31, 2006

illusions & dreams

Once chasing a dream...
...but now I missing my dreamless night.

...standing in the crowded train
...letting my mind drifted away
...couldn't help but wondering
...is it night, or is it day

...laying on my bed
...letting my imagination be
...couldn't help but wondering
...was it a dream or illusion I see

Once chasing a dream...
but got hit by reality...
Was that just an illusion...
O, I wish I can be free...

O, I wish...

posted by Bikku @ 12:55 AM 0 comments

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Wealth Limit ?!?

I have always wondered why a (hypothetical) person with 10,000 million Baht would want more money...say 70,000 million Baht. The only reason my tiny brain can squeeze out is that the person doesn't aim for the prize, but for the pride and victory.

Then, it had led me to think about capitalism and wealth accumulation. Extreme uneven wealth distribution appears to be troublesome...if so extreme, the society probably correct itself through revolution. That's tough. Because the correction process is often painful and usually cost lives.

Anyway...only if people know that enough is ENOUGH, then many problems might not happen. Hmm...if "Enough" can really help, then why not make it a rule. Then, I ask myself, what would happen if a society enforces "wealth limit" - a maximum wealth one can own. This wealth limit doesn't even have to be low. It can be at 10,000 million!!! And, sure, the limit can even move with inflation!!!

[Of course. Assuming there's no problem in enforcing and monitoring, which is another story.]

The thing is...we need incentives to efficiently produce and earn...to keep the economy going. But what would a person with 10,000 million need incentives for? More money? More wealth? Isn't 10,000 million enough? The point is...shouldn't a person know that enough is enough?

I believe incentives to accumulate wealth (or capital) should be mostly to cope with uncertainty...such as for dealing with illness, children's education, etc. That is to ensure your life will go on as far as nature and science allow you to. But too much wealth accumulation might have just overlook such point.

One might argues that the wealth is not only for their children, but for their children's children's and so on. Well...if that's done at the cost of other people now, it might not be even feasible for the society as a whole.

Anyway, I've been babbling for too long now. My thoughts are not quite coherent, but I just need to get them out. Actually, I'm not that 100% sure about this 'wealth limit' concept...but I can't think any further. So...I'm relying on you guys to counter argue this (^_^)

posted by Bikku @ 11:14 PM 2 comments

Monday, March 27, 2006

My Best Friends' Wedding.

Yesterday, March 25th, was the wedding day of two of my best friends. Yup...to each other. I have never been so happy about a wedding of two people in my life. Perhaps, it's because both the bride and the groom are ones of my best friends. We have known each other for some time...and they have been together for some time. All in all, I just want to express my happiness in today's blog.

...congratulations guys!!!

posted by Bikku @ 1:01 AM 0 comments

Monday, March 20, 2006

Nakorn-Nayok Trip

Today...I went to Nakorn-Nayok with my parents. It's the trip that we have been trying to make for quite some time...so we made it today ^_^

Went to a couple of waterfalls, had lunch, and came back. It was a hot day, but I was quite happy because I had a chance to use my camera again since the Japan trip. Well...enough said. Here are some photos :P

Grilled eggs, yummm >_<

Lotus at Wang-Trakrai~

Water on the lotus leaf

More Lotus

...Just extras...

Well...no waterfall photo luey. There's just not enough water T_T

posted by Bikku @ 1:37 AM 3 comments

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Writing (dot) (dot) (dot)

I'm gonna be brief (again) today. It's not because I don't have anything to write. I do. But I've been writing and thinking and writing so much lately...like a wake-up call to my brain. My fingers are sore, and so does my brain. So...I'm just dropping by...just to let my (few) blogging-friends know that I'm still alive.

Lastly, I'd like to end with a sentence that reflects my feeling right now (I got it from somewhere I can't remember now).

. . .

"My left brain has got nothing right, and my right brain has got nothing left." Good Nite (@_@)

posted by Bikku @ 1:43 AM 2 comments

My Photo
Location: Bangkok, Thailand

About me? Oh...that's what I've always tried to find out.

I started this blog because I felt lost...without a destination. I didn't even believe I could continue this blog for so long (due to past experiences). But, here I am still...blogging away.

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