Friday, July 22, 2005

Farewell...LoogChin~ (Meatball)

There was a sad news yesterday. Soe's Chinchilla, LoogChin~ (or Meatball), passed away.

LoogChin~ had been with us for a few years, in her cage at the corner near our stair. Although she hadn't let us pet her that much and always put on a grumpy face, I adored her. I had been successful in training LoogChin~ to get some snacks from my hands or walked a little bit on my leg. But I was never be able to catch her. She's fast and, I guess, love to run around the house whenever she had a chance.

Recently, she moved to stay with Fa...a friend who has another Chinchilla and a dog (I think). Fa called this morning to tell the sad news to Soe...that LoogChin~ passed away. She thought that the cause could be heart failure, which (I think, again) is common in Chinchilla's genetic disease.

Although I'm not that emotionally attached to LoogChin~ and that we hadn't had her in the house for a while, I would like to dedicate this blog to her. My condolences...

posted by Bikku @ 1:27 PM


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