Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I can't believe it all happened in one day was one of the shorter days here. That means...I did so many things today. It started with picking up Soe from the airport. I went to bed around 5AM and had to wake up at 9AM. Surprisingly, I woke up anyway...drove to the airport and back. A piece of cake.

Then, I was on the phone and chatted with several people on MSN a bit until the internet went dead. Hmmm...I was a bit frustrated. Good thing I was sleepy (due to lack of sleep last night, remember?), so I took a nap. Who knows how long I was out. But, by the time I woke up (and it's not that late in the afternoon too), the internet is good again. I checked emails, but no mail. I guess I expect too many mails and friends online when I have nothing to do. So, I decided to go to the mall...and I had only one thing in mind, Japanese Language Software.

I made sure I bring the $10-off Bestbuy Card and headed toward Pyramid Mall. It was quick. Before I knew it, I was sitting in the living room...messing around with the program. And, I thought, "This program is tough. It has me start with all the hard sentences with unrecognizable characters. I must have made a wrong choice." It turned out that I put the wrong CD in. That was CD#2.

So, after being a monkey for half an hour, I finally put the right CD in. It starts with a game, matching Hiragana and its Romanji counterpart. The game was fun, but it took quite a long time for me to remember 4 series of characters. I guess that part of my brain has been in hibernation for too long. The 4 series are:

あ い う  え お わ  を  ん
か き く  け こ きゃ きゅ きょ
さ  し す せ そ しゃ しゅ しょ
た ち つ て  と ちゃ ちゅ ちょ

Looking at it now, that's not much at all...but it took me a while. Then, I switch to C++ programming. What a twist. It was not so long until I realized I was quite hungry. I ate a corndog with leftover curry (?!?) just because I realize I would miss the movie if I took too much time on dinner.

The movie was Howl's Moving Castle, the one I saw in Japan last year and had always wanted to watch it. I enjoyed the movie a lot, although it was quite different from the original novel.

This one is more...romantic, I'd say. Where the book concentrated more on the wizard, Howl, the movie focused on Sophie - a young girl cursed into a 90-year-old lady. The movie went smoothly, and it was as impressive as others of Miyazaki's works...magical. In all, I left the theater with full satisfaction. Although it's already late, I think I'm gonna sleep early tonight.

posted by Bikku @ 3:30 PM


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