Friday, July 15, 2005

Why does it have to be so complicated?!?

As many of you might already know, I am seriously thinking about going to study Japanese language in Japan in the near future. It's because I've always fancy Japan as a country, culture, and its way of life. Over the years, I visited Japan a couple of times and have always impressed with its uniqueness. Then, I realize that my chance has come. I just finished school; I have no job; I'm not doing anything in particular. Perfect!

So, I found a language institute locating in Okazaki City (I believe it's somewhere close to Nagoya)'s called the Yamasa Institute. First, I wanted to go for a 6-month I can work part-time and look for jobs. But...

Obstacle #1: I had to apply since May. down. I cannot apply for a long-term visa. This left me no choice but to apply for a short-stay visa, which will allow me to stay up to 90 days.

That's fine. I'll go for a 10-week course then...and I'll have time traveling afterward. Sounds like a good idea.

Obstacle #2: Since I'm from Thailand, I might need a guarantor - someone who is either a Japanese or a foreign resident in Japan with steady income. Mmm...that sounds troublesome. But, if I have a residency or a student status in the US, I won't need a guarantor. The problem for me is...I'm now a student in the US, but I won't be by the time I go to Japan. It seems like I'm stuck in the middle of the two categories. I hate this kind of feelings. I wish thinks weren't so complicated for a Thai citizen. If I were an American or a Singaporean, I could just go...period.

Well...I guess I have a solution. I'll find a guarantor anyway. My good friend, Naoya, has agreed to be my reference if needed. Good thing he's there for a while. Come to think of it, I can also ask Koji too. He's probably in Japan by then. And, come to think of it again, about 80% of my foreign friends here are Japanese. Ha! Ain't that something.

posted by Bikku @ 1:18 PM


At 12:19 PM, Blogger noomai said...

Will look forward to your coming na ka! Anything you need help with, shoot them away! ;-)

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Bikku said...

I wish the plan will come true na. You can help crossing the fingers ;)


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