It's ALIVE!!!
After several days of frustration, I finally got the internet nicely and wirelessly extended from Magnus' apartment. Well...the seem-to-be-easy task wasn't easy at all. Magnus' apartment is in the basement, and the apartment I'm in is on the 3rd lots of concrete walls and floors!I tried to use my old, but faithful, Apple Airport Base Station (with wireless-b). Only a itsy-bitsy tiny signal picked up on my laptop, and it's on and off...pissed me off all night. So, yesterday, I bought a stronger, younger machine - a Belkin Wireless-g router. What a disappointment it was. The rookie runs almost as bad as the old dude. The only better thing is that it give decent signal around a small area of the apartment. So, I tried to link them together...hoping that they'll give me coverage I (and everyone who lives here) need. I failed.
But I learned from the net that same brand routers speak the same, I went back to Bestbuy again today...bought another Belkin router. This's a wireless-g+. I don't know what the "+" is for, but it's gotta be good (I thought).
After several hours of trying, and running back and forth from the basement to the 3rd floor, and not going to the restroom no matter how bad I felt I needed to (yes, I know...but everybody must have gone through the same thing at least once or twice, ya?), I succeed! The signal is good! I got online! It's working! It's alive!
Herrrr...the good thing is...everybody will be happy. I won't have to pay for the routers. Those who pay...will actually pay less than what they would have paid without the routers. I feel very satisfied today. I just hope that it works like this...all year long.
posted by Bikku @ 2:11 PM
sounds like fun ;)
Congratulations for your achievement in great effort!
I still use the dial up connection. It sounds as if I were staying in Thailand during the last two years. It might be good for me because I can get such emotion!
This is the first time I visit your blog. I found that reading your blog is much esier than other serious blogs!
During the big event, Khoa-Pan-Sa period, I plan to not criticize anyone anymore! As a result, I will visit your blog very often!
Haha...thank you so much krub, pol@usa. I'm happy that someone enjoy my blog. Nothing serious or academic intended please enjoy it as much as you want ;)
Sure sir!
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