Water Morning Glory - Cooked!
Actually, there's nothing much. Just that I cooked the Water Morning Glory (herr...isn't there a shorter name? Now I shall call it WMG la kan!) for lunch. As always, in a freaky way, I took a photo of my food. Here it is...This was actually a big pile of WMG. But when I cooked it, the damn WMG shrunk to about 1/7 of its original size. Taste good though :P
posted by Bikku @ 2:44 PM
We call it "ong choy" or "on choy" here. Farang also know what it means. (Of casue it's Hongkouver ni!)
Hmm...I have no idea. But I'll take your words for it (^_^)
umm...just know this word..Water Morning Glory...
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