Thursday, August 04, 2005

To-do List

I have spent time with my thoughts a lot lately...thinking about how much/little I have accomplished and how my life is going to be. I can say that I rarely have 'dreams' (of achieving something) since my childhood. I don't know why, but I hardly want anything. It sounds like a good thing, but well...seems like a bad thing for me at the moment. So, I'm trying to think back (and forth) about what I want to do, to see, to get, etc.

And, here's a list of things I have wanted for myself so far (no priority whatsoever):

Get a PhD: That's done. Although it is not as fulfilled as I thought it would be, I'm sure I'll appreciate it more in the future.

Spend a year or two in Japan: I can't really explain why Japan. I know I love the atmosphere, culture, people, although I cannot understand Japanese. It could be that I was a Japanese in my past life. Or it could be just because I read too many Japanese comics during my childhood and got brainwashed.

Write a book: I originally wanted to write a novel, but I guess a textbook counts now.

Backpacking Europe:
This is perhaps more common and easier to achieve than others. It's the same thing as traveling around.

Earn millions: I can't say how many millions (Baht or US$) because the value of money changes every year. Long long time ago, I wanted to make one million Baht a year...but I guess that might not be enough by the time I'll have to pay for my kid's tuition.

Raise good kids: I guess this is the scariest one of all. Many of my friends said they don't wanna have kids because the world today is scary and cruel. But I want to face it. I believe raising a good child is as hard as raising a bad child. Well...that's a little far, but still on my list.

Well...that's more or less it. My to-do list. I guess there might be a few things I should be thinking of doing them, but I just can't think of more right now. So, people, if you have any suggestion, fire it away!

posted by Bikku @ 2:09 AM


At 6:40 PM, Blogger noomai said...

you will raise good kids, I'm sure. I will try to be a good auntie too!! ^^


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