Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A (really) little thought on "Asymmetric Information"

(I want to talk so much about my arrival in Japan, but I'll wait a little longer for that)

While I was waiting to board the plane, I had so many always. Drifting through my seemingly-random thoughts, I came across one about economics (again) about "asymmetric information.

I'm no expert on the issues about economics regarding information. I have not even read that many articles or books about it. What I understand is that Asymmetric Information plays quite a role in promoting inequality or an unfair trade or other similar things. In short, it's just not a fair play when information is not distributed evenly. Now, this doesn't mean that everybody has to know everything about everyone. It only means if someone don't know something, nobody else shouldn't know it too.

Anyway, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, we mostly concentrate on how to make asymmetric information more symmetric. That's under the assumption that, in short, "human-being is selfish." So, we accept the selfish nature of human to be the unchangeable fact, and we'll try to solve the problem by correcting the asymmetric information.

But I also think about it the other way around...since getting all information straight for everybody seems quite hard for me. Let alone the amount of information we have to absorb everyday. What if we accept the asymmetric information as a natural, unchangeable fact...and try to work something out about the selfishness. Would it be easier?

I'm not trying to conclude anything here. Just some thoughts. Maybe someone can enlighten us, fellow bloggers, with some thoughts of yours.

P.S. Lately, I learned that long blog is not fun to read...and it indeed takes more time. Hope this one is not too long na ;)

posted by Bikku @ 8:40 AM


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