Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Blogging at 5

It's almost 5AM, and I just woke up.

For some people, this is called "early." But for me, it's "middle of the night." I often wake up in the middle of the night when I drink a lot. And, I did drink quite a bit earlier. In fact, I was drunk...drunk enough to fall asleep unknowingly. Somehow, when I just wake up, I have a sudden urge to blog. Oh...maybe I'm addicted to this thing already.

Anyway, there was a party earlier. The original cause of today's party was the fact that Nong Pap is done with her Q-Exam, a super-stressful Ph.D. qualifying exam in the Econ Department. And, it is because Nong Noki and Pap will leave tomorrow for Washington D.C.

It started quite early, about 3PM. Natt and I bought Supporo Beer and waited at her apartment. We (Natt, Noki, Pap, Aim, and I) went out shopping for dinner cooking and bought a lot of raw materials.

The theme was Kalbi (Korean-style Ribs hotplate). Oh...we had so much food. Soooo much that it made me actually feel really "stuffed" ...really and seriously. If you buy a pack of Kalbi (raw), you'll often see a lot of fat. Fat makes it tastes very good, but not feeling good after a lot consumed...I learned that the hard way today. I was so stuffed with fatty delicious food that I couldn't move. How pathetic...

Beside Kalbi, we had Jab-Chai (Ten-Veggie Soup). Only that I had about 4 kinds of vegetables in the soup. Natt also made his famous fried chicken...a lot of it. It took four people to prepare the chicken into a huge bowl. I couldn't believe Natt cooked it all...and I couldn't believe that we ate it all too.

Then, I guess, we drank a lot. Natt seemed to be drunk ahead of everybody else. Ple stopped by to give Por her birthday present, but she left early. I don't know whether it is because of us, drunk people, or because she's tired from working all day. But I guess it is the latter. It could have made the party more fun if there was more people.

Anyway, we played Kings for two rounds...which is enough to speed up my alcohol level fairly quickly. Natt was very drunk. Perhaps it's because he hasn't been drinking for a long time. Pap and Noki was happy, I guess, but not drunk.

Everything concluded at 1AM. Everybody was sent home. Thanks to Soe...because neither Natt nor I was able to legally drive. We came back home. Although I was drunk, I managed to take a shower (usually I go straight to bed and worry about the shower in the morning :P). Somehow, I fell asleep almost right away after the shower. And then, I woke up feeling quite refreshed (what a surprise). And here I am...blogging until the morning.

posted by Bikku @ 5:56 PM


At 1:33 AM, Blogger noomai said...

uh oh... be careful ner~~.
i bet you'd feel sleepy early today! haha =P

At 11:55 AM, Blogger kickoman said...

ไม่น่าเชื่อ วันนี้เดินกลับบ้านเจอ pap กับ noki โดยไม่ได้นัดหมาย ไม่นึกเลยเมืองนี้มันจะเล็กขนาดนี้...

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Bikku said...

Oh wow, kickoman. What a small world indeed. I thought they'd call you before you guys meet.

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss King game....dude! Have you guys invented any other funny rules?

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, seems like you guys had so much fun. And I'm so happy that you enjoy korean food. gal-bi and jab-chai!!! kkk...however, what we call "jap-chai" is not a soup normally. It's a noodle with veggies. Anyways, your friends seem to be good cooks~^^

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Bikku said...

Oh...the Jap-Chai we had was actually a Chinese food. But I also like Korean's Jap-Chae too ;)


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